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Service Times


Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Worship 10:30 am
Evening Worship 5:00 pm


Midweek Service 7:00 pm

Where do I go


  • Silver: The Silver Lot (in front of the middle office building) is reserved for our senior saints to provide close, convenient access to the entire campus.
  • Accessible: With a ramp adjacent to the sanctuary doors, the accessible spaces are reserved for those with physical disabilities.
  • Guest: Guest parking is conveniently available along the southwest corner of the sanctuary.
  • Valet: We also offer safe and courteous valet parking at no cost.

What about my kids

      • Nursery: Our nurseries are available for check-in 15 minutes before every service. The nursery is located in the foyer of the center office building.
      • Sunday School: At the 9:30 Sunday School hour, check-in for all children 6th grade and under happens in the foyer of the center office building.
      • Worship Service: For the 10:30 worship hour
        • Pre-K kids are checked in to the nursery and butterflies’ classes located in the foyer of the center building.
        • Children K-6th grade meet in the sanctuary for the song service. Afterward, they are escorted to the Jr. Church room in the center building for age-appropriate instruction.


Bible Version

For its timeless beauty, precision, and textual fidelity, we use the King James translation of the Bible.


God delights more in the state of our hearts than in the state of our wardrobe. However, given that we are meeting with the glorious, sovereign King of the universe, it is appropriate to dress in a manner befitting the occasion. Hence, most people dress up. But whether that means polished boots, starched jeans, and a pressed shirt, or a suit and tie varies from person to person. Any way you come, you’ll be welcomed and loved.


The Sunday morning worship service typically lasts 75-90 minutes.

Music Style

South Side enjoys various musical genres, including hymns, bluegrass, traditional southern gospel, high church, and familiar choruses. We honor God with reverence and taste while maintaining excitement through our passion for His truth.